BROADWAY PARK - Apartment Buildings
Devine Erby Mazlin Architects ( DEM )
1994 - BROADWAY PARK - Largest NZ Housing Development
1994 - BROADWAY PARK - Largest NZ Housing Development
Senior Technician : Anthony Van Kan
Architects : Devine, Erby, Mazlin
Development by: Park Properties Managment Ltd
Broadway Park, at the time, was the largest NZ residential developments, located in 12 Middleton Road, Remuera. It was developed in a number of stages.
Stage One: Was a subdivision of sections with strict covenants, that Individual owners with their Architects could design individual houses within this overall development. But designs were reviewed to make sure that they were sympathetic with the overall master planning.
Stage Two : This incorporated two tower apartment blocks and a number of lower level townhouses ( I was involved with this part of the development )
Stage: Three : This development added larger towers to the back of the development.
It is interesting to revisit this development 19 years later to see how this development has stood the test of time. I have added the original marketing brochures so you can see the concept they were selling and now the actual reality.
People Involved